MBA in Finance programs

MBA in Finance. MBA programs with a specialization in finance will focus on giving participants the skills and knowledge to enter the financial or banking industry. Organizations rely on knowledgable professionals to manage funds, analyze financial strategy and management, make sound investments, as well as ensure that the company is operating in a financially ethical way. While MBA programs with a financial specialization may vary between business schools, but the overarching goal of a finance MBA is to provide delegates with the necessary knowledge needed to effectively and successfully work within the finance industry. Individuals looking to work in the area of finance should consider pursuing an MBA in Finance, as it will surely give them a career advantage. Please observe the list of top Financial MBA programs located around the world below. Request more information to receive a list of program tailored to your specific needs.
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More about MBA in Finance programs

MBA programs in financeThe financial industry has always been complex. However, changing regulations coupled with the current financial environment is increasing the value of an MBA in Finance. Individuals with an MBA in Finance are necessary to organizations because they ensure that the organization is profitable, while also analyzing economic indicators and viability. Additionally, individuals with and MBA in Finance are responsible for weighing risk, planning future financial investments, analyzing mergers and acquisitions, and managing investments such as stocks and bonds.

MBA graduates with a finance specialization offer unique value to all companies, but especially to those within the banking and finance industry. Individuals interested in banking and finance, or to those already working within this industry, should consider enrolling in a Financial MBA program in order to advance their careers and improve their management skills. MBA programs with a specialization in finance will enable individuals to manage the monetary strategy and accounts of an organization. Graduates will be equipped with the skills to stabilize assets of the firm, which is a skill that is always in high demand.

Financial MBA Curriculum

The curriculum for a financial MBA can concentrate on areas such as analyzing business financials, business valuation, corporate financial management, corporate restructuring, investment strategies, and more. Coursework may also include elements of accounting, bookkeeping, financial law, and business ethics. All of these specialized courses are combined with foundational knowledge of other core business administration elements such as marketing and general management.

Study Plans & Schedules

MBA programs in finance are offered in various study plans to fit a variety of schedules. Delegates may choose to study in a traditional full-time program, or a part-time program, which enables participants the continue working at their respective organizations. Additionally, individuals may find that a distance learning or online program could better fit their needs. Distance learning programs allow individuals to obtain an MBA degree by attending online seminars and courses. Regardless of schedule or personal obligations, there are a plethora of options for individuals looking for a specialized MBA program in finance. 

Traditional MBA or MBA in Finance - Which is right for me?

The difference between a traditional MBA and a MBA in Finance is primarily in the number of specialized finance courses the student takes. A traditional MBA program requires the individual to complete course work in a variety of areas concerning business administration. Thus, allowing the individual to gain employment in a number of different industries. A MBA that is specialized in finance allows students to tailor their coursework to better fit their interests, enabling them to explore deeper into a specific field than a traditional MBA would. While a specialized MBA will touch upon broad elements of business administration, its key learning outcome is to provide very specific knowledge in a very specific field.

Full Time MBA in Finance programs Full-Time MBA in Finance programs
Part time MBA in Finance programs Part-Time MBA in Finance programs
Executive MBA in Finance programs Executive MBA in Finance programs
Online MBA in Finance programs Online MBA in Finance programs