General Management

Programs in General Management. General Management – a specialization for those who want to move from functional managers to an executive position, but lack the necessary managerial and leadership skills. General Management programs will focus on improving key business disciplines, which prepare future leaders for strategic problem-solving in different types of firms. Fill the knowledge gap in fundamental business areas - Browse the list below of General Management programs and contact admissions officers directly by using the 'request information' function.
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Why firms need General Managers?

Today’s business environment is extremely competitive and many firms have experienced difficulty adjusting to rapidly changing markets. Therefore, an organizational need has developed for professionals with the ability to work across various specializations. General managers have wide knowledge in a both business and non-business areas as well as key skills in value creation and business modeling, allowing them to run a business or department efficiently.

General Management – extending your career

A GM degree presents an excellent opportunity to advance in an organization or to widen one’s choice of future career paths. Upon completing the GM program, graduates will have gained a solid foundation of business skills, such as strategic management, team building and finance. Such skills are immediately transferrable into various business situations, can be applied to nearly all types and sizes of organizations and are especially vital for managers in high positions.

An opportunity to become an executive

For business professionals planning become a top manager, general management program will provide a critical structure for achieving this goal. Today organizations are looking for professionals with combined knowledge in business and other fields, such as law, political science and engineering who can successfully run firms by applying their strategic thinking to determine long- and short-term goals, create profitable business strategy and improve employees’ performance.

General Management programs – creating organizational leaders

Today many organizations constantly face uncertainties which demand business leaders who can deal with complex issues and handle numerous responsibilities simultaneously. A GM program focuses on covering the areas of studies which future top managers require, such as accounting, law, management and economics. The main goal of GM programs is to integrate theory into practice and as such, programs typically combine theoretical base knowledge with comprehensive practical skills training, consisting of workshops and real-life projects.

What will be your new responsibilities?

Upon completing a GM program, candidates will have acquired the necessary management skills. After returning to their employing company, graduates will have a great variety of responsibilities that go far beyond day to day functional operations. Graduates will apply different managerial tools to effectively plan marketing, sales, purchasing and actively take part in decision making process. These newly acquired leadership skills will assist in people management, internal relations and efficient project management. Finally, graduates of GM programs may also become qualified to recruit new employees.

To become a business leader one should gain broad business knowledge and learn how to apply various management theories and tools to overcome organizational challenges. A GM program will give you the opportunity to achieve these goals – get the degree in General Management today!